Gastonia – Bits & Pieces of History

  Gastonia Charter No. 2469

IAFF Charter Application, October 10, 1975

IAFF President: W. Howard McClennan

IAFF Secretary/Treasurer: Frank A. Palumbo

Local 2469 Temporary President: C.H. Walton

Local 2469 Temporary Secretary: Ronnie S. Hicks

Local 2469 Temporary Treasurer: Verlon E. Smith

Organized by: James F. Barrett, AFL Organizer

Gastonia Firemen Vote for Union

The Hose & Nozzle, July August 1978

            Gastonia, N.C. – Fifty-four of Gastonia’s 70 firemen eligible for union participation have voted to affiliate with the International Association of Fire Fighters, AFL-CIO.

            The action comes on the heels of firemen’s demands for pay parity withGastonia policemen and a 9.7 percent increase to offset hikes in the cost of living.

            A firefighter is paid up to $8,762 a year, while policemen are paid up to $9,230.

            Three firemen who had been representing the departmental personnel in negotiations for the pay raises were named temporary officers for the union’s new local.

Raise Under Study

            Fire Chief J. W. Spargo declined to comment on the union announcement Wednesday.

            “It’s their union.  I guess the next step is up to them,” City Manager Gary Hicks said.

            Hicks said the firemen’s request for a pay raise had not been rejected, and was under study before being presented to the city council.

            The firemen began organizing in late August to ask for a pay raise.