Coronavirus and NC Fire Fighters

Gov. Roy Cooper announced this week that three more people in North Carolina tested positive for coronavirus and brings the total known diagnoses in the state to 12.

Cooper said two of the newest cases have been confirmed in Forsyth County and one in Johnston County and expects more to come. However, it was also announced this week that North Carolina is down to 250 test kits in a state of more than 10 million people so official diagnoses might not be coming anytime soon.

The IAFF, in coordination with PFFPNC in North Carolina and state affiliates across America and Canada, are continuing to monitor news sources and agency updates from the CDC, the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) for the latest information and guidance.

The IAFF also pushed down recommendations to states and municipalities this week, which were shared with Gov. Cooper and his response team on Thursday morning.

“We shared with Gov. Cooper an update on the IAFF’s advocacy work in Congress that provides North Carolina with a portion of the $8.3 billion to purchase personal protective equipment (PPE), medical supplies and to pay fire fighters overtime during the pandemic crisis,” said PFFPNC President Scott Mullins. “I am asking all local presidents and DVPs to contact their municipalities to let them know that fire fighters and emergency medical personnel receive priority as supplies are distributed.”

Mullins said fire fighters can use this link for the latest protocols, FAQs, recommendations, background information on the pandemic and other resources available through the IAFF.

“As the pandemic continues to grow, fire fighters will be exposed to the virus and quarantines will be required for our members,” said PFFPNC Political Director Josh Smith. “We need our local leaders and our members to engage municipal leaders to make sure sick leave is not used when a fire fighter is quarantined. We will be working at the state level to give municipalities the resources they need to cover this.”


PFFPNC’s Super Tuesday Results

On balance, PFFPNC had a solid day on Super Tuesday from the top of the ballot down to the General Assembly races and on both sides of political aisle.

At the top of PFFPNC’s watch list was the North Carolina Senate race in Wayne and Lenoir counties, where Sen. Jim Perry was in a battle with a fellow Republican candidate who took cheap shots at fire fighters in the closing days of the campaign. Perry, photographed with PFFPNC President Scott Mullins and Political Director Josh Smith, defeated his opponent by a 66-34 percent margin.

“Senator Perry is a friend to fire fighters and is working hard for us in the Senate, particularly on presumptive cancer, so his race was a top priority for PFFPNC,” Mullins said. “And it was icing on the cake to see a candidate go down who attacks fire fighters in mail pieces. It made knocking on 2,000 doors and working polls on election day for Senator Perry so much more worth it.”

PFFPNC went on to win most of its General Assembly races including Rep. Jon Hardister (R-Guilford), Rep. Bobby Hanig (R-Dare/Pamlico/Currituck/Hyde), Rep. Michael Wray (D-Halifax/Northampton), Rep. Dennis Riddell (R-Alamance) and Rep. Jamie Boles (R-Moore). The only General Assembly losses for fire fighters Tuesday night was Mark Hollo, a Republican, who was running for NC Senate in Catawba and Alexander counties, and Ben Scales, a Democrat, running for the NC Senate in Buncombe County.

At the Council of State level, PFFPNC had a split decision for its endorsed candidates in the races for Lieutenant Governor. Sen. Terry Van Duyn (D-Buncombe) qualified for a runoff election in the Democratic primary and Republican Greg Gebhardt lost.

In federal races, the IAFF’s endorsed presidential candidate Joe Biden, now the front runner, had a historical night on Tuesday by sweeping the southern states, showing surprise wins in Minnesota and Massachusetts and holding to a very strong second place finish in California.

PFFPNC’s endorsed candidates for US Senate Cal Cunningham easily won the Democratic nomination on Tuesday night and now faces incumbent Senator Thom Tillis in November. Also victorious was Deborah Ross and Kathy Manning, who won the Democratic nominations in the 2nd and 6th congressional districts respectively.

The Firefighter, Volume 2 is now available for reading

The latest edition of The Firefighter, PFFPNC’s quarterly magazine, is now out and available for reading.

Produced by PFFPNC in collaboration with the IAFF and the government relations/communication team at New Frame, this issue of the Firefighter includes photos from around the state, from Asheville to Statesville to New Hanover, as well as education articles on cooking and fire safety.

Click here to read the latest edition of The Firefighter.


PFFPNC mourns the loss of Rep. Linda Johnson

PFFPNC mourns the loss of Rep. Linda Johnson, a Cabarrus County Republican lawmaker, who died on Tuesday from cancer.

The 20-year veteran legislator was a high-ranking appropriations chair in the House who reveled in visits from fire fighters across North Carolina.

“Her door was always open for us and we were always greeted with a hug,” wrote PFFPNC DVP Ben Bobzien, who exchanged text messages and phone calls with Rep. Johnson just days before she died. “She was full of integrity, loyalty and strength, and I will miss her and her friendship. I pray for her family’s comfort and healing through this difficult and sad time.”

PFFPNC DVP Jeff Tracey, who also serves as president of the Cabarrus Professional Fire Fighters Association, praised Rep. Johnson for using her power at the appropriation table to protect money dedicated to the Line of Duty Death cancer benefit.

“She was a friend to fire fighters right here in her home district, and she was a friend to every fire fighter across North Carolina,” he said.

Rep. Johnson’s death was felt across North Carolina’s political world and across partisan lines, including Gov. Roy Cooper, who released a statement praising her public service to the state and Cabarrus County and ordering flags fly at high-staff.

PFFPNC Leaders Attend Joint Fire Summit

PFFPNC President Scott Mullins and Political Director Josh Smith attended a meeting this past week comprised of leaders from the three organizations advocating for fire fighters and the fire service at the General Assembly.

The three organizations include PFFPNC, the NC Association of Fire Chiefs and the NC State Firefighters Association.

“All three organizations have an important role to play at the General Assembly and we needed to sit down together and talk openly and honestly about what we want accomplished and how we get the work done,” said PFFPNC Political Director Josh Smith.

President Mullins reports that the most common ground seemed to center on getting House Bill 520 | Firefighters Fighting Cancer Act, which passed the House in April 2019 and now sits in the Senate where Sen. Jim Perry (R-Wayne/Lenoir) is pushing for enactment.

“While we all want what is best for fire fighters, their families and the profession, we haven’t always been our best at communicating what we are doing and saying inside the General Assembly,” Mullins said. “This summit is hopefully the beginning of more conversations on how we can get work done for fire fighters.”

PFFPNC on Instagram, calls for photos

PFFPNC expanded its social media platforms to include Instagram in 2020.

“We want to give our members – particularly our younger members one more platform to hear from PFFPNC,” said PFFPNC president Scott Mullins. “While Facebook and Twitter are our gold standard message platforms, particularly about fire fighter news pertaining to the General Assembly, we want to use Instagram to show another side of our work.”

Mullins said the Instagram site will mainly feature photographs submitted by members that include firehouse moments, active fires, community work and meetings with policymakers.

PFFPNC encourages members to visit the Instagram page at and to DM (direct message) the page with photos.

PFFPNC 2019 Convention – Day 2

The second day of the 2019 PFFPNC convention continued with another group of great speakers and educational presentations.

IAFF president Harold Schaitberger first addressed the crowd. He updated delegates of the growth of the union, particularly in North Carolina. He also touched on politics stating that IAFF supports both sides of the party line, supporting those that stand with fire fighters and first responders.

“Continue your growth in numbers and continue your political influence,” Schaitberger encouraged.

Day 2 also included a visit from former NC insurance commissioner and long-time PFFPNC supporter Wayne Goodwin, who officially announced he is running again for insurance commissioner.

“You need an insurance commissioner, a state fire marshal that supports an increase in your pension, collective bargaining and works every day to support you,” Goodwin said.

The day continued with a district update from Walt Dix and two presentations. Todd LeDuc spoke on cancer in the fire service and encouraged delegates to continue fighting for presumptive care. He also said not to ignore two other deadly causes to fire fighter death: cardiac failure and suicide.

“We’re not talking about statistics. We’re talking about our brothers and sisters.”

Jim Tate and Greensboro Local’s Dave Coker addressed the crowd about insurance, particularly lowering the cost of insurance.

The day concluded with a few more read and passed resolutions.

Tuesday evening includes an event for the PFFPNC charitable fund and gun raffle.

Wednesday will include the election of three trustees, the reading and voting of final resolutions and election of the 2023 convention location.

PFFPNC 2019 Convention – Day 1

The 2019 PFFPNC convention got off to a great start on Monday with numerous speakers, legislative updates and more. Speakers included Gov. Roy Cooper who addressed the convention on Veteran’s Day saying, “I know you have a dangerous job not only because you can get hurt but because you can get sick because of the work you do. Municipalities should have your back.”

Gov. Cooper also took the time to personally speak and take photos with members.

We also heard from U.S Sen. Candidate Cal Cunningham, House Rep. David Lewis and state Sen. Jim Perry.

“It seems pretty simple; we have an issue, a problem – let’s fix it. We’ll continue to work hard to find a solution and get a solution across the finish line,” Sen. Perry said.

Sen. Perry is working on getting LODD and presumptive cancer bills updated, improved and most importantly passed.

Delegates also got an update on the legislative agenda with PFFPNC Political Director Josh Smith and New Frame’s Brian Lewis. The four big areas of legislative on our agenda are LODD benefits, separation allowance, presumptive cancer/PTSD and motorcycle license plates. We are making process getting more cancers added to LODD benefits and will continue to fight for the rights of fire fighters.

The morning also included nominations of officers and the election by acclamation of many positions. The PFFPNC election board is: President Scott Mullins, Sec./Tres. Josh Smith, DVP1 Jeff Tracey, DVP2 David Pollard, DVP3 Keith Wilder and DVP4 Ben Bobzien.

There will be an election Wednesday for three trustees positions. Nominees are Joey Welborn, Jerry Wiggins, Vinnie Messina and Ryan Merrill.

A few resolutions also were passed including the endorsement of Harold Schaitberger for IAFF president, Ed Kelly for Gen. Sec./Tres. and Walt Dix for DVP at next year’s IAFF convention.

Monday evening includes a PAC fundraising event at The Davie.

Convention will resume at 9 a.m. Tuesday. Speakers include Schaitberger and Kelly.

2019 Convention Resolutions

Convention Call 2019

Click here for details on how to register for this year’s convention.